Monday, January 22, 2007

New and Improved Dates

Did you ever have a conversation that started with "What if...." with a computer programmer? I have these occasionally with our main programmer, Bud Jay. We had a lot of fun and we wound up combining several what ifs and wound up with some great progress.

We not only fixed the dates but we wound up coming up with a way to collect a much more useful date. The dates we show now are the dates of the last change. We're not showing the original date it was set up any more like we used to. We're showing the date of the last change. That may not sound like much of a difference, but it really is much more helpful because it essenially shows you if anyone is paying attention to it.

When you see a number with a date of several years ago, that goes to a disconnect message, that's a huge sign that the number may be stuck or buried in their system. Mark Olson used to call them stranded numbers. They are worth pursuing, so get the phone company and call them. I'm also going to prepare something to explain how to talk with the phone company and get the information you need from them. There will probably be more information about this on the Vanity Lookup page, but these new dates are great!

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