Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Toll free service to a cell phone

Many phone companies don’t like to provide toll free service to a cell phone for three reasons. It costs them a little more to terminate the calls to a cell phone, they don’t get the outbound long distance which they always want to sell too, and they're usually smaller accounts too. So most companies just say they can’t or won’t do it. It's really not that they can't but they just don't want to or quite often don't know how.

Most cell phone companies and voip companies are usually pretty ignorant about toll free service and how to process transfers, not to mention how to help you get a good number. To be fair though, I don't know how to even use half the features on my own cell phone so I couldn't begin to do their job. But I really focus on finding valuable vanity numbers and have gotten good numbers for tens of thousands of s over the past 12 years so I’ll be happy to help you. And the bottom line is that you can certainly point any toll free number you find with our site to any cell phone company you want.

Look in the toll free manual that we email you after you activate a number for an explanation of the process of "Picking Your Provider" and some forms. You can of course take your number to any company you want but we also try to make it as easy for you as possible to get not only the best number but the best service for your needs too.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

But I kind of like it warm...

This isn't really toll free or telecom related but I thought it was worth pointing out that it's been a very warm and mild winter this year in the Northeast where we're located, here in New York and New Jersey. The global warming zealots will probably say this proves "Global Warming" but I think it's really because I got a new snow blower, so of course it's February and we haven't had an inch of snow yet.

I also really enjoy asking people if they like the warmer winter or not? I suppose that some people who ski a lot are missing that a little, but almost everyone I've talked to has really liked the milder winter. So if this is caused by driving SUV's or anything we're doing, we should go and do as much more of this as we can. Lets all buy Hummers!

In all seriousness, we clearly don't need to change our cars that way any more than we all need to ride bicycles. But my point is that we're not all dying and the world isn't coming to an end when the average temperature is much more than 10 degrees above average. So if we're raised the temperature 1.3 degrees over the past 100 years, at this rate it will probably be even nicer here at least, in another 1000 years.

There are cycles and the earth may be warming, but that clearly doesn't mean the world is going to end. Chicken Little is cute in the cartoon movie, but I'm sorry, it's just not a catastrophe in reality.

7+ digits on a cell phone

Every couple months I hear someone say they couldn't get through on our number. That usually means theyre calling from a cell phone. Anything after the first 7 digits is usually ignored. The last R is basically only there to make it easier to remember and it doesn't matter if you dial it or not. But some cell phones think you must have hit the small buttons wrong and don’t put it through. It’s not network specific, it’s related to the hardware.

Some of the newer phones are even smarter and will put toll free numbers with extra digits through but they’ll block local numbers with additional digits. In any case, most people look at the screen and then drop the last digit. You lose far fewer calls for that than you would for people that don’t remember your phone number, although the people who don’t remember your phone number usually don’t contact you.

Some people don’t want a number that stands out. I usually point out to them that your goal isn’t really to make the most important part of your advertising, the call to action, blend in. Your goal is to really get them to notice it and think about it long enough to get it to stick with them. Some people do really funky things to make their commercials stand out. You don’t have to go crazy but you shouldn't worry so much about trying to make it blend in or take less thought, if that makes sense. Part of the job of your advertising is to get the visitor to notice you or think about you.

Unlimited toll free service?

People sometime to go looking for unlimited toll free plans because they like that for their outbound phone service. Ironically it's the people that need it the least that tend to want this, which is probably why a couple companies you've never heard of, pretend to give something called an Unlimited service. It NEVER really is unlimited but they can sell some people on it as long as they hide the limitations deep down in the fine print.

If you think about it, it's pretty obvious that almost any big business could blow out any really unlimited toll free plan. Companies like 1-800 FLOWERS would LOVE it if they could get an unlimited toll free service. They can generate thousands of dollars per hour in toll free charges so they'd blow any real unlimited service out of the water. No big company uses anything like that because, point blank, it just doesn't exist. There are ALWAYS catches and limits to it. There has to be. And further, there is NO REPUTABLE COMPANY that sells any unlimited service.

I personally own several domain names related to flat rate 800 service and have even worked and tried to promote a couple services like that, but the only way that they can exist and make money is if the customer uses less than what they're paying for. I have thousands of small business customers and the average bill for them is much lower than you would think, probably about $12 to $15 per month. That's because toll free service is cheaper than most people realize.

Most new businesses tend to picture a huge volume of calls and think that $49 a month will be a bargain, and if you know that you consistently use just a little more than what they are charging, it might be. But in reality, most customers will wind up paying for more than they use, and the ones that use more than what they are paying for will usually have a spike of calls at some point and then the company will cut them off, often imposing huge penalties or at best, charging a higher per minute rate or simply asking them transfer away. Either way, you are at their mercy because you can't afford to have your toll free service shut off when you need it the most.

So the bottom line is that you should never use a flat rate plan unless you have a track record of using more than the monthly fee is on another service and also know that you won't have any spikes that push you too high above what you're paying for. Think of it as a gambling game and them as the house. You may think you can beat them and may do it for a little while but they wrote the rules (and often rewrite them as necessary) and once you have the number advertised you are at their mercy and the system is set up to insure that the house always wins.

I know a couple people in the industry won't like someone exposing this but I think it's also important to point out that I'm probably the only major person in the toll free business that's not trying to sell you their service. So I really have no axe to grind at all, except to be a valuable resource to my visitors.

800# to an 800#?

Can I have one 800 number ring to another 800 number?

No you can't point a toll free number to another toll free number. It's kind of like dividing by zero. You can point it to the same local number the other toll free number points to, or you can transfer it to the same service that the other number is with and they can point it to the same place (even if they don't give you a local number). This sometimes comes up in connection to toll free voicemail services, or a call center type service that only issued you a toll free number without a local number.

Renting 800 numbers?

Someone asked me today, if I can help them deal with someone that wanted to rent them a number. I explained that I can't do that for several reasons. First of all most people in the "shared use" business hate me because I get people good numbers, generally for a one time fee that's a small fraction of their monthly fee. I also give customers a much easier alternative and expose their practices, among other things. I've probably said most of that in places on my website, but at the end of the conversation I said something that I thought summed up the situation with anyone wanting to rent you a "shared number".

Don't rent a number or a part of a number from anyone that you wouldn't trust with your entire business. Because that is exactly what you're doing when you put their number in all of your advertising. Some of the people in shared use are decent, good people trying to make a living marketing a good number. But this industry isn't very well lit if you know what I mean. And there are definitely a significant number of people that know this gives them tremendous power over you and your business and no matter how good they sound at the beginning will eventually use this power over you and your business.

So the bottom line for shared numbers is always "Buyer be ware". And that's why, even though I have found some good numbers that other people use in shared use, and I have a few numbers that with probably be useful too, I don't market them or that type of service. I could probably make a lot of money in that, especially given the amount of traffic we receive. But there's a lot of temptation in that segment to wind up hoarding numbers which is against the FCC regulations and to take advantage of customers once they are unable to change their number.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Who are our competitors?

Rita and I were having this discussion recently about who are competitors are. A customer had told us how someone he called a competitor of ours was putting us down. The customer was great and of course the comments only made the guy making the comments look bad to the customer. I appreciated his I told the customer that it really didn't bother us, because he's really not a competitor any more at this point.

I used to say that I was a Telenumeric Consultant, and I guess I still am to some degree. But my role has switched from being a consultant to being a vanity number service. I built my business as a consultant and still have that attitude to some degree. I still have the free consultation button on the page and take phone calls personally as much as possible. But I've only done one or two consulting type jobs in the past six months. I also get more toll free numbers for my clients per month than any of the other "consultants" do all year. It's not eve close.

There are still a couple people that think of me as a consultant and I guess it's natural to try to compare themselves to me or to put me down in order to make themselves look bigger. The more successful you are the more people try to compare themselves to you and the more they try to tear you down. But like I said to the person that thought someone else was a competitor, he's not a competitor for me any more than a domain name squatter is a competitor to

We're really only competing with ourselves. What we do is really different than what the regular phone companies do and from any other vanity number broker/squatter. We're not trying to take business from anyone else, but to fill a need that neither of them are really addressing and to build this niche into a much more widely recognized and understandable market. That's why we have to provide more information and education and why we have to make it so simple that anyone can easily find and activate a good number for their business.

The # of 800 #s available

Here are the number of toll free numbers in use as of Saturday 1/27/07 at 11:59pm

Important 800 Lessons

Some people think it's helpful to put the local number in your advertsing as well as the toll free number. One down side of this is that you may not realize if your toll free number isn't working. And that can cause an even bigger problem. Whatever you do, do NOT let your toll free number be disconnected for months.

A customer recently called because they just realized that their number was disconnected. Unfortunately they didn't realize that it was disconnected for four months and one week. And like clockwork, the number came out of the disconnect aging process after four months and 7 minutes later it was taken by a phone sex company.

This is a HARD lesson to learn. But it's important to repeat and try to help others to avoid this, so here are the lessons we need to learn from this.

1. Always dial your toll free number BEFORE you put it into new advertising.
2. Dial your toll free number periodically just to make sure your toll free number is NOT disconnected for an extended period of time.
3. Use our free monitoring service to make sure your own number is never disconnected and it'll also show you if any of the other area code versions are disconnected too.
4. If you have any problems with your toll free number, call me right away. Don't wait months because if someone else takes it after it goes through the aging process there's very little anyone can do.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

What is the average price?

"What is the average price to 'buy' a toll free number from an existing customer?" That sounds like simple enough question. Unfortunately it's not like your house. There is no book value or market rate that you can look up like you can a house or a car. The value of a toll free number is much more subjective, meaning it depends on how it's used by the current owner as well as how it could be used by the purchaser or other potential purchasers.

When a number is only really important to one buyer it becomes even more depedent on what they want or think about it. That is especially true for company names that don't mean very much to anyone else. Generic terms can be measured more against other transactions than fanciful names.

The best advice I can give to someone trying to pursue this is to take your time, because if you're in a hurry and try to go to fast it make you look more desperate and gives the other party the upper hand in the negotiations. And you also have to go into it with the realization that your goal is to make a friend as much as anything else. Picture if a friend of yours from school found out that you had a number and he wanted to start a business around it. You'd almost certainly sell it to him for a fraction of what you'd try to get from a large company. So don't come into this with a big company attitude, just try to make a friend and take your time. Unfortunately we don't always have time, but at least knowing that may help a little.

The other thing that makes that a very hard question to answer is that you really have to do all of the work to complete the deal just to be sure what it will ultimately cost you and if they'll ultimately go through with it and be willing to sell it to you. That fact, plus the fact that there's no centralized list of transactions the way there is in real estate or cars for instance makes it very hard to answer that question.

I also like to tell people that when you only need one successful deal, the odds really don't matter very much. If you needed to close 10 deals then the closing rate would be relevant, but if you only want one number and therefore need to close just one deal the odds don't matter. It's like asking a girl out or to marry you. You only need to get one good one so t doesn't matter how many said no in the end or if the first one says yes. You just keep looking until you find the right one. You don't need to find 10 right partners, just one. Hopefully at least one at a time, anyway.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Converting out site to Joomla

I'm looking for soeone to do the conversion of our site into Joomla. I'm posting the following requirements on Elance, but if anyone has any suggestions outside of that, please contact me directly.

We need to convert from static pages to a CMS system to allow us to grow and maintain things better. After discussing the options with some people we have concluded that Joomla is the best way to go.

So we need someone to help convert our existing website to Joomla.

* It's very important to keep the existing navigation and search header which is already handled seperately as a header that get added with an include command which should make that relatively simple.
* We need to add a new blog (started recently on blogger) and need to add that to the home page.
* We need to add a site map (which will need to be expandable to include our search results pages which are being converted into static html links soon)
* We need to add a related links directory structure and user review system (jReviews?)
* We have a Vbulletin forum which we would like to migrate and/or update if possible.
* All of our traffic comes from search rankings which are already good but we always need to continue to improve.
* We have several dozen pages but we could only convert the main ones converted or you could do all of them. We can convert additional pages if necessary.
* We would like to add a database that we can display numeric numbers available, rather than using static pages which make updating difficult.
* No commerce or affiliate program necessary. Those already exist and don't need to be changed.
* We don't use videos no but may want to include a system to add that in the future.

I didn't specify a budget because we will consider working on an hourly basis rather than a project basis if that is easier. Please let me know what would work best.

It's also important to see some of your joomla projects. Please also let me know what interesting or unique features you included. I'd like to see your creativity.

Also anyone that submits a bid can have any "Available" toll free number for free. If you use our website to find a number that would be helpful to your business, I'll not only give it to you for free, but it will show that you understand the purpose of our site and that you took the time to go through it and will raise you to the top of the bidders.

Email bounces on the rise

I read a lot of Clickz and I definitely see the results of this article about "The Rise of Aggressive Bounce Rates". It's a very short article but we see this happening quite a bit.

We constantly have to resend our Toll Free Manual to customers, partially because some just overlook or lose it, but many just never seem to see it.

There really is no answer. Email just isn't any where as reliable as it used to be. But at least I feel better that it's not just a problem with us, but it's a growing problem for everyone. I currently get 4 to 5 thousand spams per day, but have several excellent filters and don't miss much or bother with very much spam any more. But it's making everyone raise the bar and it's costing their customers some very legitimate emails.

We support children in Ukraine

Most of my posts are directly related to toll free numbers, but I wanted to share something else that we're involved in. Some friends of my wife and I, run the Brenna Engle Foundation which helps underprivileged children in Lutsk, Ukraine.

The conditions for the poor in Ukraine make the poor in the US look rich. Rich and Donna live in Poughkeepsie but run a small home for several children who have parent (they're not orphans) but the parents aren't able to support them. Four or five children from 5 to 16 year old live in this small home connected to a church, which runs a program to feed 50 to 75 children per day. For many of them it's their only hot meal and they have a variety of bible study and church activities for them.

My wife Karen is leaving in a few days to go over with several people, to help out with a variety of things there for about two weeks. They will post information about the trip and pictures at

I think most people really like to help others, but so often it's hard to do something really tangible since your support has to get funneled through a large organization. That is fine, and often the only way to help in many situations. But it's also very nice to find something small that really makes a direct difference in a few live too. That's what I really like about this. I know the people involved and know that all the support goes right to the people who need it and appreciate it so much. It really makes a difference and I'm glad to share this and be a part of it.

Releasing & Protecting your #

At we try to do a better job of releasing toll free numbers, or processing the transfer requests than anyone else in the industry. Most other phone companies drag their feet but we put a higher priority on this than even new orders and usually process all requests the same day we receive them, usually within a couple hours. We also release them in real time when carriers call and ask us to. That's because it's really the whole idea of our service is to bring the number to another carrier for the ongoing service.

We also have to protect our customers more than most other carriers. Our customers come to us to get numbers that are very important to them and they are often very valuable. So we have to protect our customer's numbers, and even the identity of our customers. We don't give out the customer information in any form without their consent.

We also don't allow other phone companies to yank numbers from us without providing an appropriate resporg change form or the correct customer information. Our customers give us the authority to yank numbers back if they are taken without verifying that they were taken by the correct party. We are very quick to release numbers but we also can't allow any numbers to be taken without providing the appropriate information to us.

I just thought I'd mention this because we had a phone company yank a number from us yesterday and we are happy to release them asap, but can't allow anyone to simply take numbers without being able to confirm that they are being taken appropriately. Most of the time if the name doesn't match, there is a valid reason and with some communication it can easily be resolved. But we are also here to protect our customers numbers so please respect that and we'll be happy to work with you as much as possible.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Telecom & Law enforcement reps

We've really only had the signup process available for the secure lookup that shows the phone company responsible for a couple days but it has been very exciting and interesting to see the variety of phone company representatives and law enforcement people that requested this access.

I've always said that my goal is to be a valuable resource to the industry. But it's really cool seeing people from the Paypal fraud department to the U.S. Secret Service signing up for it, not to mention the variety of phone company representatives.

Monday, January 22, 2007

New and Improved Dates

Did you ever have a conversation that started with "What if...." with a computer programmer? I have these occasionally with our main programmer, Bud Jay. We had a lot of fun and we wound up combining several what ifs and wound up with some great progress.

We not only fixed the dates but we wound up coming up with a way to collect a much more useful date. The dates we show now are the dates of the last change. We're not showing the original date it was set up any more like we used to. We're showing the date of the last change. That may not sound like much of a difference, but it really is much more helpful because it essenially shows you if anyone is paying attention to it.

When you see a number with a date of several years ago, that goes to a disconnect message, that's a huge sign that the number may be stuck or buried in their system. Mark Olson used to call them stranded numbers. They are worth pursuing, so get the phone company and call them. I'm also going to prepare something to explain how to talk with the phone company and get the information you need from them. There will probably be more information about this on the Vanity Lookup page, but these new dates are great!

Trade imbalance?

We are one of the only resporgs that releases literally about 1000 times as many numbers to other companies as we request from other companies. That's because we get numbers from the SMS pool, not from other companies. Then we don't keep them, we just release them right away.

If we were a country we would definitely have a huge trade imbalance. :-)

The definition of Good Customer Service

The definition of Good Customer Service is, not letting it bother you when the customer yells at you or sends emails with a font size of 24 or more. (Even when the problem is their fault!)

~Rita (DaleCarnegie) Thorn

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The years given in Lookup are wrong

The years given in the Instant 800 Lookup may be wrong. We put them back again today, but many of the years seem wrong somehow. We have a bug in the programs and will work on it. It is showing too many '06s for some reason. We should have that fixed soon, but just don't rely on that for the time being.

Vanity # Squatters vs. a Vanity # Service

There are a number of people in the vanity number business. At first glance our service may seem similar in some ways. The best way to explain the differences is to use an internet analogy. GoDaddy is to domain name squatters what is to pretty much everyone else in the "vanity number" business.

Domain name squatters look for good names becoming avaiable and try to grab them, hoping someone will come along and offer them a lot of money for them. They are trying to sell (or rent) them for as much as they can get for them. I guess that's natural in some ways. We are the exception though because we don't go and get numbers we think people will like and we don't charge based on what they may be worth to the buyer. We charge a flat fee that's not based on the size of the customer, the amount of advertising they do or the value of the number.

To my knowledge we are the only ones that do this. We charge a flat fee (a tiny fraction of the price of anyone else in the vanity number business) that's based on the time and effort required to provide the service. We also probably get more toll free numbers for customers in a month than anyone else in the vanity number business does all year. Granted they make a LOT more per number, so they only need to get a couple customers per month. (We are aiming for 1000/month)

GoDaddy does charge a fee, but that doesn't make them a domain name squatter because they're getting them out of the spare pool which is exactly what we do. Squatters hold them and hope to sell them for big bucks eventually. The worst ones are the ones that take a number you inquire about out of the spare pool and then want to rent the same number we would have given you for a one time fee of $49 for hundreds of dollars PER MONTH forever. That's why I recommend that you be very careful telling other people or websites what you're looking for.

A real life example is 1-800 US-MORTGAGE. A customer had backordered this number and we were trying to get it. Unfortunately someone else in the vanity number business got it from a backroom deal with the phone company before it came out of the four month aging process. He'll sit on it and hope that someone contacts hm about it, and then he'll probably charge $20,000 to $40,000 or so. That's just my guess but it's seeing and hearing some other deals he's done. If you really want that number, look him up. He's not a bad guy, but that's a far cry from the $795 one time fee we would have charged our customer if we had been able to get any '800' number from backorder. Most of our numbers are $49, but you obviously wouldn't get a number that good out of the spare pool.

Anyway, there isn't much awareness of this industry, let alone oversight, so many small guys can get away with a lot and many of them hide their identity and have no problem doing almost anything. Feel free to look around on the web, but keep your cards a little close to your vest until you really know who you're talking too. Oh, and we're also not trying to sell any ongoing service like regular phone companies which in the internet analogy are more like web hosting companies too, but that's another topic / post. I just answered an email asking something related to this and thought that was worth rewriting and sharing here.

Adjusting the 800 Lookup

We just added the year that the number was set up back into the 800 Lookup. The dates aren't always perfect because just changing something can make the date start over, but it does help sometimes to see that information. We had taken it off in response to the SMS800 attorney's request not to give out resporg information, but their finding that showing a number is active isn't really revealing resporg information leads us to believe that the length of time it may have been active really doesn't give much else.

The real reason this is important is that it makes the user who sees Active, Active Active Active on query after query feel that we are really looking it up more acurately. I also changed the term from "Already Active" to "In use" because that seems more easily understandable. It seems hard to understand why people don't understand what "already active" meant, but you wouldn't believe how many people ask me if that means they can get it. In use since XX is probably easier and my goal is to make it so easy that even the newest user understands it. And while I really try to get as many please to feel comfortable and want to contact us, I really want to minimize the number of obvious questions like that.

These little things probably don't matter much to anyone else, but it's this type of polished refinement that makes it such a great tool and resource. Kudos Bud Jay!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Secure Login via Order ID

I got the Christmas tree down today and we changed the login system for the secure 800 Lookup. The secure 800 Lookup shows the resporg information for most toll free numbers and is accessed at Your user Order ID is the username and the password is blank. Here's the new page that explains the subscription options: I'll probably write something here about why you need this information and how to use it.

I charge $8.95 for a whole year of access. We don't really expect to make much money at this. If we wanted to make money from this we would certainly charge more or charge it monthly. We also wouldn't give the access away to the 10,000 best prospects (our current customers) and to all phone company and law enforcement representatives. It costs us over $20,000 a month to produce this and I don't think the subscriptions will amount to more than 2 to 5 % of that cost, if I'm lucky. But I think this is important because our success has come from providing a better resource and more honest and up front information. I think that's what customers want from an internet service today.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

What would you think if your web hosting company suggested that you use a random 7 digit string followed by .com for your domain name? Doesn't that sound ridiculous?! Unfortunately that's the attitude of most phone companies who really don't understand or look at it from a marketing perspective. They just want you to take a random number or one of the next available numbers because that's easier for them. They're just not set up to do the amount of research necessary to find a really good number for you. Their system was set up when there were plenty of toll free numbers available and nobody really cared what number they got.

If it costs you more to use a good number you might need to evaluate whether it was worth it. But since it costs you the same amount per minute to receive calls on a random number as it does to receive calls on a number that's more memorable for your business, why would anyone use a random number.

I don't mean to make this blog a sales pitch, but I don't think this point is made on any of my webpages. So I'm using the blog to write out some of the conversations and points that I come up with over the phone while they're still fresh in my head.

Bad connections on VoIP - 202-580-8200

Caller ID note: If you see the number 202-580-8200 on your caller ID, that seems to be showing up for callers using VOIP from places like Pakistan and China a lot lately. The quality of the call is usually quite bad and often has 3 to 4 second delays. My advice to people overseas, is to try to communicate via email, rather than over voip phones.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Enhancement: 3rd Party #s coming soon!

Here's an interesting thing we're starting to work on. We're going to add a new system that will allow customers to see potential vanity numbers that may be available from other parties. Vanity number owners will be able to give us a list of numbers and we won't promote them, but anyone that enters that specific number into the Instant 800 Lookup, will be told that it may be available from a third party and if they request information, we'll forward their information to the owner of that number. We should have the new logic in place for this within a month or by about the end of February!

Online Business Courses

I talked with a very nice guy with a great resource for small businesses. He's got a lot of excellent video courses online at his site,

1-800 FIRE FOX - brand name example

I was watching the premiere of 24 and noticed several new commercials for FireDog. A guy was telling his dog to install his home theater. It is funny and makes a good connection with their service. It's obviously not something that a dog would ever do, which makes it very funny and memorable. It's also a great way to tie their name into home theater installation.

The reason why I wanted to mention it though is because it is a good example of an interesting yet creative name that doesn't relate to home theater installation on the surface but by being more creative they were able to get both the domain name and toll free number combination. (They have 1-800 FIRE DOG and They also took something totally fanciful and creative and turned it into something funny that creates a connection to their service.

It's not easy to get both the vanity number and the domain name for generic terms, but by being a little more creative they can dig deeper and find that golden combination where the sum is greater than the sum of the parts.

Phone company background

I've done a lot of work and research on phone companies (more specifcally the resporgs). This may be helpful so I figured I would post it here. Some of the company names may be duplicated because those companies have multiple resporg IDs. I didn't post the resporg IDs or their phone numbers. I've done that before on my website and may post the trouble referral numbers on another post. Many of the old numbers are out of date and I've tried to update that too.

24-7-365, Inc. : They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

800 Ideas: They're a vanity number company that got a lot of good numbers years
ago. They don't usually sell them but prefer to rent or sublet them out to
customers regionally.

800 Response: They're a vanity number business that got a lot of good vanity
numbers years ago, especially 800s starting with NEW or NEXT. They usually only
want to rent or sublet them by area code so they can keep the ownership and
ultimate control of the number.

AMS/One World: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

ANPI: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

AT&T (Local): This resporg isn't their regular resporg though, it seems to be
for their local service, not the regular long distance services.

AT&T: If it goes to a message saying that "No further information is available"
at the end, then this number might just be buried withn AT&T somewhere.

ATG: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

ATL:They provide the resporg service for small phone companies that don't have
their own resporg access.

ATX: ATX is a smallish competitive phone company.

Acceris: Acceris is a smallish competitive phone company.

Access Point: Access Point is a smaller regional service provider with offices
in the Carolinas and provides services the east and southeast from Mississippi
to New Hampshire.

Access Services: They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

AccessLine: AccessLine is a Bellevue, WA communications company that combines
voip service with an enhanced voicemail service in one.

Adeptel: Adeptel also provides specialized routing and tracking services along
with their own vanity numbers which they hold the ownership of but like to rent
out to customers. Unfortunately you won't have ownership or control of the
number so the more you advertise it, the more at their mercy you become.

Advanced Communications Integration: ACI is a very small resorg. One of their
services is

Advanced Tel: Eatel is an ILEC in a small part of Louisiana, is a directory
publisher in the gulf coast area, and is a broadband provider as well.

Airespring: Airespring is a California based competitive reseller of long
distance as well now local service too.

Alascom: They are based in Alaska as are most of their customers, many of which
don't need service in the rest of the country.

Allegiance: Allegiance was acquired by XO. As with most mergers, if the number
doesn't go through to any one it's worth calling to inquire about it, because it
could wind up lost in the system.

Allergan Sales LLC: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Alliance Group: You can contact Alliance for more information or if you really
need some help on this one give us a call at 1-800 MARKETER and we may be able
to help track it down.

Allstream: Allstream is a large Canadian phone company. So the customer is
probably in Canada and may not have US coverage.

Allstream: Based in Toronto, this company covers all of Canada but many of their
customers don't need calls from the US so if it's not working there's a good
chance it's just their coverage.

Amax Two: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

AmeriVision Amerivision, or Affinity4.

America's Carrier: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

American Long Lines: There isn't much additional information available about

Amrigon: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them.

Amtec: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Andiamo Telecom: Andiamo Telecom is a smallish competitive phone company
covering Arizona and California.

Auris Tech: They are based in Miami FL and provide advanced software and
services for the prepaid calling industry.

BBCOM: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you can call them to inquire about it.

BTI: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you can call them at 305-358-5850 to inquire about it.

Bay Star: They are a specalized phone company located in Louisiana.

Bell Canada: Bell Canada is obviously a Canadian phone company. So the customer
is probably in Canada and may not have US coverage.

Bellsouth: They're a regional company so if you're not in the south and can't
get through the customer may not have coverage outside of his regional area.

Bestline: Bestline is an Austin TX based Communications and Inernet service

Big River Telephone: They are a full service telecommunications provider based
in Cape Girardeau, MO serving the midwest.

Birch Telecom: Birth was started in 97 in the midwest and has grown to cover 12
states as a competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC) specializing in business
service. If the number doesn't go through the customer may only have service
within their regional area, but you can contact Birch to inquire about it.

Brand 800: They take good numbers they think customers will want and they
usually want to "rent" it to you because they get to keep the ultimate control
of the number and they make a lot more money in the long run that way.

Bridgecom: Bridgecom is a smallish competitive phone company.

Broadwing: If you want to find out more, aside from dialing the toll free number
you would have to call them.

Bulletins Inc: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you can call them to inquire about it.

Business Edge: Business Edge is a small specialized phone company in central NJ
that has some vanity numbers and specializes in providing call routing and
enhancd services.

Broadview Networks:: If you want to find out more, aside from dialing the toll
free number you would have to call them.

C & C Management: They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

CGI LD: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them.

CMS: They are actually master agents for a number of other phone companies. They
are the only agency that acts as their own resporg.

CNE Telecommunication: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

CSF Corp: CSF provides a resporg access system that's used by several phone

CSF Corporation: If it's not working you can contact them to inquire about it.
CSF develops and provides software for resporg access to the SMS800.

CTC: Beehive is a smallish competitive phone company that operates in the North
Carolina area.

CYTEL: Cytel is a voip service provider and isn't a large company so you might
be able to get a little information about it.

Cablevision Lightpath: They're a large cable company and phone service is an
after thought, and toll free is an after thought of an after thought. So don't
be surprised if you have a hard time finding anyone that can really help you,
but if the number doesn't go through you can give them a call.

CallSource: Call Source is a California based company specializing in call
tracking and recording solutions, training and call centers.

Callcast: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you can call them to inquire about it.

Callipso: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you can call them to inquire about it.

CapTel: If you can't get through on the number you would need to call them for
any additional information. CTI is a PA based communications company providing
voice, data, internet and wireless in PA, NJ, MD, NY, TX and DC.

Capital Telecom: CT is a smaller regional service provider with facilities in
CT, MD, NY, NJ, TX, DC and PA where they're located.

Capsule/Covista: They are a smaller very competitive phone company based now in

Capsule: aka Covista, a facilities based local and long distance phone company
with switches in Chattanooga where they're based out of as well as Dallas and
Minnineapolis. They merged with Capsule which is sometimes still used in the
name and they have about 250,000 residential and business customers.

Carrier Network Serv.: We really don't have much information or background
available on them but you can call them to inquire about it.

Cavalier Telephone: They're a smaller regional carrier based in Richmond and
covering the mid-atlantic. If you can't get through on the number you could call
Cavalier to see if you can get any additional information.

Cbeyond: Cbeyond is an Atlanta based VOIP carrier and integrator serving small
to medium businesses.

Centennial PR: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Choice One: You would have to contact them to inquire further. Choice One, now
One Communications is the largest privately held Competitive Local Exchange
Carrier serving more than 160,000 small and medium sized businesses in 16 states
throughout the Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, and Upper Midwest regions.

Cinergy: Cinergy, formerly Community Telephone, offers local and long distance,
web access and hosting and telephone equipment for business and residential
customers in IN, KY, and TN.

Citizens: If it's not working, you can contact Citizens to inquire about it.

ClearEnd: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Com. Options: They're small and we don't have much information or background on

CommPartners: CommPartners is a nationwide IP-based network operator based in
Las Vegas.

CommuniGroup: If you want to find out more, aside from dialing the toll free
number you could try calling the phone company.

Connectto: Connect To is a Los Angeles based unified messaging and prepaid phone

Consolidated: Consolidated Communications is a provider of local and long
distance, tv, and internet for business and residential customers in IL and TX.

MCI: If the number isn't actully working you would have to contact MCI to find
out any more information.

Convergia: If it's not working you can contact them directly to inquire about
it. With over 152 points of presenece in 45 countries, Convergia provides voice,
data and Internet services for residential, business and wholesale customers

Cooperative: Cooperative is a smallish competitive phone company.

Cordia: If it doesn't go through you can contact them directly to inquire
further. Cordia is a Pennsylvania based CLEC offering local, long distance and
internet access to commercial and residential customers within PA.

Corporate Image: Tony might be willing to offer it to you, but he charges an arm
and a leg and usually want to rent them because they make a lot more in the long
run that way and because it locks you into their service forever.

Covista: If it's not working you can contact them to ask about it. Covista is a
facilities based local and long distance phone company with switches in
Chattanooga where they're based out of as well as Dallas and Minnineapolis. They
merged with Capsule which is sometimes still used in the name and they have
about 250,000 residential and business customers.

Cox Telecom: If it's not working you could call them to inquire about it. Cox is
the thrid largest cable provider in the US and is adding more and more voip
phone service now too.

Cricket Communications: If the number isn't working you can contact Cricket
directly to inquire abut it. Cricket is a wireless carrier providing unlimited
celluar plans in over 40 major markets in about 30 states nationwide.

Custom Teleconnect: You can contact them directly to inquire about this number
if it's not working. CT is an interexchange carrier based in Las Vegas that
specializes in the hospitality industry.

DCI: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

DSI: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you can call them to inquire about it.

DTI: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you can call them to inquire about it.

Dial 800: They got a lot of good numbers years ago and they won't give them up
but love to rent them regionally because they make a lot more money and because
the more you advertise their number the more locked into their service you

Dial-Around Telecom: Dial-Around is the term for using a 10-10 code to access
another phone company, so users don't have to actually switch long distance to
use their service, they do it via a 1010 access code or an 800 number. They are
strong on international traffic.

Digital Solutions: We don't have any additional information about them except
that they're a smaller possibly specialized phone company.

Direct Connect: We don't have any additional information about them except that
they're a smaller possibly specialized phone company.

Dollar Phone Access Inc: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Dow Networks: Dow Networks provides some advanced and international routing
services, both over regular lines and/or voip.

E-responses: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you can call them to inquire about it.

ET&T: If you can't get through on the number you would need to contact them to
find out any other information. ET&T is an independent consulting distributor of
Voice and Data Customer Premise Equipment for business, government and education

Earnware:Earnware is California based company providing a hosted technology
platform which is rebranded and marketed in many verticle applications. (They
sell a powerful sales oriented voicemail service through dealers).

Electric Lightwave: Sometimes numbers get lost in these types of mergers so if
you can't get through on the number, call Integra to check the status and see
what other information you can find.

eMeritus: VarTec is a faclities based provider of voice, data and internet
services to businesses mostly in Texas and Illinois.

Epana Networks: It's already active for a customer of Epana Networks, a NY based
entrepenurial company offering phone cards and other consumer communication
services in several niches

Eureka GGN: Based in New York City, Infohighway focuses on small to mid sized
businesses in the northeast.

Excel/Vartec: If you can't get through on the number you would have to contact
them to inquire about it. Excel (formerly Vartec) is a nationwide facilities
based carrier based in Texas.

Executive Conf:Global Crossing This # is not available because it's already
active. Global Crossing uses a lot of resellers, but it's easy to find out who
they have it with by dialing 800-466-4600 entering, 1 and the toll free number.
This is an uncommon older resporg for GC and if the number doesn't go through is
worth researching. It's easy to recognize Global Crossing messages because they
always start with a number followed by "dash four" followed by the message.

FDN Comm.: FDN is very nice small local company that services the FL and GA
area. If you can't get through, and are outside of that area it may be because
the customer doesn't have service nationwide.

FSC: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

First Communications: They are a smaller company and that focuses on charitable
organizations and affinity marketing, through other organizations.

First Digital Telecom: This facilities based Salt Lake City carrier provides
mainly business services. If you can't get through on the number you would need
to call them for any additional information.

First World: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you can call them to inquire about it.

Focal Com: Focal covered the northeast and several major markets across the
country. As with any merger if the number doesn't go through to a customer, it
may be worth checking the status with the carrier since they tend to get lost
after mergers.

Fonorola: They are a large Canadian phone company. So the customer is probably
in Canada and if you can't get through on the number it's usually because they
don't have US coverage.

Freedom Voice Systems: FVS is based in California and provides enhanced
voicemail solutions and virtual office services for a lot of small customers.

Full Service Network: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you can call them to inquire about it.

Full Spectrum: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you can call them to inquire about it.

Futuredontics: They are the people who developed 1-800 DENTIST

GCI:Red River Network This # is not available because it's Active or In Use for
a customer with Red River Network. They're small and we don't have much
information or background on them but you can call them to inquire about it.

Gabriel: If it's not working you would need to contact them directly to inquire
about it. GW is a paging company based in Boca Raton, FL.

Gafachi: If the number isn't going through you could contact them directly to
inquire about it. Gafachi is a privately held facilities-based VOIP carrier from
Rochester NY.

Global Crossing: Global Crossing uses a lot of resellers, but it's easy to find
out who they have it with by dialing 800-466-4600 entering, 1 and the toll free
number. This is an uncommon older resporg for GC and if the number doesn't go
through is worth researching. It's easy to recognize Global Crossing messages
because they always start with a number followed by "dash four" followed by the

Globalcom: If the number doesn't go through you can contact Globalcom to inquire
about it.

Globatron: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

GoSolo: If you can't get through on the number you could call them to inquire
about it.

GotVMail: WARNING: Never use their lookup tool because they automatically
reserve any number you find in order to lock you into their service. They have a
nice website but they are one of the services that we warn customers to avoid as
much as possible.

Grand Circle Travel: Unfortunately we don't have any information or even a valid
phone number for them though.

Grande: If the number doesn't go through you can call them to inquire about it.
Grande Communications is a Texas based communications company providing
residential and business customers with high-speed internet, local and long
distance, and cable programming over a single network.

Granite Telecom: If you can't get through on tt number you can contact them
directly. Headquartered in Quincy MA, Granite Telecommunications is a wholesaler
of telephone and broadband service, focusing primarily on multi-location

HBDC: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

HBNet: Hypercom specializes in electronic payment processing so their numbers
may be in use but just not answered by a human.

HTC: HTC is a local phone company in a couple counties in Illinois.

Hawaiian Telcom: If it's not working it may very likely be limited to Hawaii,
but you can contact them if you want to ask. Hawaiian Telcom is headquartered in

HelloCom Inc: If it's not working you can call them. HelloCom is an
international long distance carrier specializing in discount calling plans to
Asia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Hickory Tech: HT is a local phone company serving parts of Minnesota and Iowa so
the customer is probably in that area down may not have service for the whole

I-Element: If it's not working you can contact IE to inquire about it. I-Element
is a public facilities based VoIP communication service provider serving small
and medium businesses.

ICS: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

IDS LD: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

IDT Corporation: If the number isn't working you can call IDT to inquire about

ILD Telecom: ILD is a facility based communications company providing outsourced
services, billing services, card services and conferencing.

IT Connect: They are a vanity number business that markets domain name and phone
number packages.

IT&E Overseas: Their customers are in Guam and most probably don't have access
from the 48 states.

ITC Deltacom: This may be a secondary resporg they don't use as much so if you
have a number in this status you may want to contact them to inquire further.

ITC Deltacom:Beehive Telephone This number isn't available because it's active
for a customer with Beehive Telephone. Beehive is a smallish competitive phone
company in the midwest.

ITS: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

iBasis: They are an international voip and prepaid calling provider.

Ice Net: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Info Telco: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Integra Telecom: Integra is a facilities based local exchange carrier servicing
over 400,000 local customers in AZ, CA, ID, MN, ND, OR, UT, and WA.

Intelemedia: Callport is a high level enhanced voicemail service or
infrastructure for call centers based in Plano Texas.

Interactive Audio: We don't have any additional information about them except
that they're a smaller possibly specialized phone company.

Intermetro: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Iowa Comm.: As the name implies, they're a local company in Iowa so if you can't
get through it may be because it's not accessible nationwide.

Iowa Network Svs: As the name implies, they're a local company in Iowa so if you
can't get through it may be because it's not accessible nationwide.

Kall8: They are an enhanced voicemail company and some vanity number owners use

LD Billing: They are a small phone company offering long distance, internet and
callig card services under private labels.

LDDS Metromedia: But this isn't MCI's regular resporg. This is an uncommon one
that came originally through a chain of acquisitions so if it doesn't go through
to an end user there's a slightly higher chance that it could be buried within
their organizational layers.

LDMI: LDMI (part of Talk America) went public in 2005 and is a facility based
phone company focusing on small-to-medium business customers in MI, OH, IN, IL
and WI.

LT Baroda: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

LataOne Inc: If it's not working you could contact them to inquire about it.
LataOne is a California based pre-paid calling card company.

Legacy Long Dist.: Legacy is a privately held California company that provides
local dial tone, operator services, call center services and Inmate

Level 3: You can call them if you need any more information. Level 3 is a large
international Colorado based communications and Internet backbone company.

Lightship: Lightship was acquired by CTC Communications. If the number isn't
working when you dial it, you should contact LT or CTC to inquire about it
because after mergers some numbers sometimes get stuck in the old resporg.

Lightyear: It's already active for a customer of Lightyear. If the # doesn't go
through you would have to contact Lightyear directly to find out more.

Lightyear: One of their resellers that we work with a lot is Freedom Voice
Systems. If the number isn't working you can contact them or let us know. In
some cases we might be able to help with this carrier.

Line Systems: If it's not working you could contact LS to inquire further about
it. Line Systems is a privately held Philadelphia based communications provider
serving local, long distance and internet services in PA, NJ, NY, MD and DE.

Linx Comm.: Linx is a Massachusetts based unified communications service that
can route calls to multiple lines or take messages (basically an enhanced
voicemail service).

Locus Telecom: If the number doesn't go through, you would need to contact LT
for any more information. Locus is a NJ based provider of prepaid calling cards,
long distance, wireless, point-of-sale and carrier services.

Logix: If you want to find out more, aside from dialing the toll free number you
would have to call the Logixcom.

Lucre Inc: If it's not working you would have to contact them for any more
information. Lucre is a competitive local exchange carrier providing voice and
data for businesses in the Western Michigan area.

Lynx Telecom: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

MCI: If the number isn't actully working you would have to contact MCI to find
out any more information.

MGC: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Marathon: You can contact them directly if it's not working and they want to
inquire about it. Marathon is a Washington based phone company, providing local
, long distance high-speed internet, VoIP, calling cards, toll-free, and T1s
throughout the pacific northwest

Mayfair (Primetel 3) This number is NOT available because it's already active
with Primetel. They don't ever give them up.

McGraw Communications: If you can't get through on it, you can inquire with them
about it. McGraw is a New York based communications carrier providing voice and
data products primarily to business in 45 states.

McLeod USA: Mcleod is also popular with people in the vanity numbers businesses
so it might be available for a steep price if you can reach the owner.

McLeod USA: This isn't Mcleod's regular resporg so if it's not working you
should probably call and inquire about it.

Mcleod USA: They are popular with some people in the vanity numbers businesses.

MetTel: If it doesn't go through you would have to contact them for any other
information. MetTel (Metropolitan Telecommunications) is a NY based phone
company serving businesses in the Northeast.

Micktel Corp: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Micronesian: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Mirage: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Misc-Etc Misc-Etc, now known as Amazing They look for and take good
numbers and wait for people to want them. They usually don't sell them though
because they can make a lot more and have more control by just renting them

Monmouth Telecom: If the number's not working you would need to contact them to
inquire further. MT provided local, ld and Internet access primarily for
businesses in NJ.

Mpower: Mpower is a facilities based CLEC providing voice, data and internet
service in CA, NV and IL. If this number isn't working you may want to call them
about it because toll free numbers sometimes get lost or buried after mergers.

NCIC: NCIC is a large international operator service providing services like
inbound customer service, directory assistance and emergency operators.

NOS: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

NTS: NTS is a provider of audiotext, telephone entertainment and billing
services with 800, 900 and 976 numbers.

NTS: You could call them to inquire further if it's not working. NTS is a West
Texas communications firm providing local and long distance service mainly to
retail customers in TX, OK, KS, NM NV, CO, and AZ.

Nation Wide 800: They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

National Comtel: They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you can call them to inquire about it.

Navigata: Navigata is a Canadian local and long distance phone company based in
Vancover, BC. Many Canadian customers don't open their numbers up for calls from
the US so that is the most likely reason if this number isn't going through.

NetTronix Choice: We don't have too much information about them but they are a
smaller company which provides some specialized services.

Network IP: Network IP is a Texas based company specializing in Prepaid services
including long distance, conferencing and internet services.

Network Mgmt: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Network US: You can call them to inquire about it if it's not working. They are
a Naperville, IL based regional provider of long distance, wireless, and
internet service.

New Network: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you can call them to inquire about it.

Next-G Comm: Next-G (short for Next Generation) is a Houston based prepaid
calling card company.

Nobel Tel: NobelCom is a prepaid phone card company with offices Carlsbad

Norlight: Norlight is a Wisconsin based company focused on data security.

NuVox: They are a regional company in the south east with a diverse product line
focusing on voip services.

Nuvox: They are a regional company in the south east with a diverse product line
focusing on voip services.

On-Call Resp Org Svcs: If it's not working you can contact them directly but
they are a small professional resporg and someone probably has it there to
protect it and knows it's vanity potential.

One Call: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Orion Telecom: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

PNG: PNG is a good competitive nationwide communications company based inn

POPP Com: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

PR Telephone: They are a Puertorican communications company so many of their
numbers may not be available from the US or Canada.

PT-1: They're small Flushing, NY based company and we don't have much
information or background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire
about it.

Pac-West: They are a CA based carrier focused on their advanced network
development and provide services for many other carriers. If the number isn't
working you would need to contact them to inquire further about this number.

Pacific Centrex: If it's not working you can contact them to inquire further
about it. They're an ILEC based in North Hollywood, CA and provides competitive
service for business and residential customers throughout California.

Pacific Light Net: But they're small and we don't have any other information on

Pacific Telecom: They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Paetec: If it doesn't go through to an active customer you would have to contact
them to inquire about it. Paetec specializes in medium to large businesses,
government and affility telecommunications and industries such as education,
health care, manufacturing, hospitality and finance.

Paymentech: They are a transaction processing company connected to Chase. If
it's not working you can contact them directly but it may be in use or in part
of their system even if it's not answerd in the normal sense.

Phoenix Teleport: PIT is a Satellite, Voip, Internet and voice communications
provider based in Arizona.

Phone People: If it's not working you can contact them directly to inquire about
it. Phone People is an enhanced voicemail and virtual office service.

Phone USA: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Pilgrim: Pilgrim is a Lexington, MA based entertainment oriented phone service
offering a variety of chat lines and talk line services mainly for adult or
social connections.

Point Telecom: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Powercom: Powercom is a local, long distance and internet provider in Wisconsin.

Premiere Conf.: If it didn't work and you wanted to find anything else about it
you would need to contact them.

Premiere Network: They are a smaller Texas consulting company specializing in
Business Resumption Planning and Disaster recover since 1986.

PrimeTel2: They don't ever give them up.

PrimeTel: They don't ever give them up.

Primus Canada: Primus has over 1 million customers in Canada but many of their
toll free numbers don't have coverage in the US.

Primus: If it doesn't work you could call them to ask about it but their
customer service is outsourced internationally and isn't usually very helpful.
Primus is an carrier with strong international packages. They bought the old
Cable & Wireless customers.

Quebec Tel: If it's not working, from your area, you can contact them. But they
are a Canadian phone company so many of their customers don't have coverage in
the US.

Questar: They're based in Salt Lake City and are a subsidiary of Questart
Corporation, a natural gas and energy company. They serve large to medium

Qwest: Qwest uses many different resellers so it could be resporged to Qwest and
billed through another company. This isn't their main resporg so if it's not
working you should check with Qwest but you'll probably need to determine if
it's handled by a reseller and contact them to find anything else out about it.

Qwest: They use a lot of resellers so there's a good chance it's not actually
with Qwest directly.

R W Lynch: They are a 'group television advertising firm' that specializes in
attorney advertising. This is different than regular shared use because they
actually provide the advertising instead of simply renting a number.

RCC Atlantic: They're small and we don't have much information or background on

RCC Network: Their original name, RCC stood for Rural Cellular Corporation. Now
known as Unicel they are an Iowa based wireless carrier.

RCN: If you want to find out more, aside from dialing the toll free number you
would have to call the phone company.

RNK Telecom: RNK is a privately held, Dedham MA based CLEC and telecom
wholesaler and voip carrier.

Remi: If it doesn't work, you could contact them to inquire about it. Remi is an
ILEC in the Pennsylvania are focusing on mulit line multi location customers as
well as wholesale carrier services and unified messaging.

RespOrg Solution: If it's not working you can contact them directly but they are
a small professional resporg and someone probably has it there to protect it and
knows it's vanity potential.

RespOrg USA Inc.: If it's not working you can contact them directly but they are
a small professional resporg and someone probably has it there to protect it and
knows it's vanity potential.

Ring Central: Ring Central is an Enhanced Voicemail or Virtual Office service
with a lot of features.

Ring9 Inc: If it's not working you can contact them directly to inquire about
it. Ring9 is a VoIP service provider based in Gainsville, FL.

Rolinium #2: This is their second resporg. They use shared use as an excuse to
ignore the regulations and hoarding large amounts of numbers and an excuse to
ignore number portability regulations. They also only rent their numbers because
they know that the more you advertise the number the more at their mercy you
become and they have in some cases allegedly taken advantage of that.

Rolinium: They use shared use as an excuse to ignore the regulations and
hoarding large amounts of numbers and an excuse to ignore number portability
regulations. They also only rent their numbers because they know that the more
you advertise the number the more at their mercy you become and they have in
some cases allegedly taken advantage of that.

SBC: If it's not going to a working customer you would have to try calling SBC
to get any more information.

SBC: SBC grew by combining several carriers and this customer is probably in an
Ameritec area, and because it used to be a regional bell company, and many of
their customers don't have access nationwide.

SBC: SBC grew by combining several carriers and this customer is probably in an
SNET area in Connecticut, and because it used to be a regional bell company,
many of their customers don't have access nationwide.

SMS/800: Sometimes this happens after a carrier goes out of business and leaves
numbers in active status. If this is your number or one that you really want,
contact us and we will see what we can do for you.

SMS/800: This often happens because carriers go out of business. If you've lost
a number in this status please contact us at 1-800 MARKETER

SNiP LiNK: They are an south Jersey based ISP-CLEC that provides local, long
distance and internet services in the Northeast.

SW Bell: It's an older resporg they don't use much any more so if one of these
numbers doesn't go through you might want to inquire about it. It could be
stranded in one of their older resporgs they don't use much.

Sage Telecom: Sage Telecom is a Texas based communications service providing
local, long distance and internet service in the midwest.

Scherers: Scherers is a privately held company specialzing in audi and web
conferencing. They were recently acquired by Arkadin, an international
conferencing firm also. If one of their numbers isn't in use you could contact
them, but it may be used periodically within their system. Conferencing
companies often turn numbers on and off or hold them for future use.

Selective Media: They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Shoct: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Sierra: If the number doesn't go through it may be limited to the regional area
in Maine, but you would need to call Sierra to inquire about it.

Sigecom: Sigecom is a local service provider that started from a merger between
Utilicom Networks and Vectren. They provide cable, phone and internet via their
fiber optic network in the Evansville and Newburgh Indiana area.

Signal One: They are a Mass Misdial Marketing company. They have almost a
million toll free numbers all just to make money off of the wrong numbers. They
play a message to call another 1010 number that costs you several dollars to get
basic directory assistance service. They don't give up numbers very often but
they activate and disconnect a lot of toll free numbers every month, so you
might want to monitor this number in case it becomes available in the future.

Simplified: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Siouxland: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Smartbox: Smartbox is a Canadian based Prepaid Calling Card company.

SoVerNet: If it's not working you can contact them about it. SoVerNet is a
Vermont facilities based data and telecommunications provider with a state wid
network providing reliable Internet, local and long distance services to our

Southern Telecom: You could contact them for more information if the number
isn't working. ST is an Atlanta based subsidiary of Southern Company, providing
dark fiber optic solutions to the business community.

Soutine: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Sprint: If it's not working you can call them to inquire about it.

Startec: It's already taken by a customer of Startec, a global cellular carrier.
If it's not working you can call them to inquire further.

State Farm: If the number isn't working you would need to contact them to
inquire about it.

Suntel Metro: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Switch 2000: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Switching Sol.: They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

TCAST: If the number doesn't work you can try contacting them. They are a
facilities based long distance carrier in California.

TDS Metrocom: You can contact them directly if this number isn't working to
inquire about it. TDS Metro is a CLEC serving almost 30 states nationwide, for
businesses and residential customers with local, long distance internet and

TMC Communications: If it's now working you can contact them to inquire about
it. TMC is a nationwide communications provider based in Santa Barbara, CA,
providing long distance, local, VoIP, data and enhanced services

TalkPath, LLC: Talkpath is a Texas based aucio web and video conferencing

TecNet: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

TelAmerica: If the number doesn't go through it's probably worth calling UCN to
inquire about it because after mergers numbers are sometimes lost or left on the
old resporg.

Telco Group: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Telcom Affiliates: They are a small vanity number business based in Fort
Collins, Colorado.

Telcom21: If the number doesn't go through you should contact them to inquire
about it.

Telcordia Technologies: Telecordia is a software developer for communications

Telcove: You would have to call them if the number's not going through to find
out anything else. Telcove is a PA based phone company serving 45 major markets
in the eastern US.

TeleQuest: If the number's not working you can contact them or let us know and
we can try to help you with this carrier.

TeleServices: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Telecard: Based in Boca Raton, FL, they provide specialied phone cards and
related services.

Telecom Analytics: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Telecon: Telecon is a smallish competitive phone company that operates in the

Teledata Solutions: TSI is a smaller California company that does a little bit
of everything. If you can't get through on the number, you might want to try
calling them.

Telefonica: They're a small Puertorican company and we don't have much
additional information or background on them.

Telefyne: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you can call them to inquire about it.

Teleglobe: Teleglobe focuses internationally especially to India where they have
a strong presense.

Telepacific: You can ask them about it if you want any more information.
TelePacific is a facility based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier headquartered
in Los Angeles serving customers in California, Las Vegas, and Chicago (as

Teleperformance Interactive : Teleperformance specializes in customer contact
management. They outsource customer service, technical support, and sales for
large organizations.

Telephone Express: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Telescan: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Telesmart: Telesmart provides advanced call routing and reporting features as
well as IVR and VoIP applications.

Telrite Corporation: Telrite is a Georgia based communications company with a
wide variety of services including local, long distance, prepaid wireless, voip
and internet services.

Telus: Telus is a large Canadian phone company. So the customer is probably in
Canada and if you can't get through on the number it's usually because they
don't have US coverage.

Telvue: If you can't get through on the number you would need to contact them to
get any additional information. Telvue, based in NJ, provides services within
the Cable TV and Pay Per Vew industry.

Texas Comm.: If the number isn't working you can contact TC to inquire about it.
Texas Com is a family owned wireless carrier based in Abilene Texas.

The Phone Co.: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

TierraNet: If it's not working you can contact them directly to inquire about
it. TierraNet is an Internet Service Provider with a variety of related services

Time Warner: TWT, based in Littleton, CO, is a leading provider of managed
networking solutions to a wide array of businesses and organizations in 22
states and 44 U.S. metropolitan areas.

TimeShift: If the number doesn't work you can contact them to inquire about it.
Timeshift is connected to efax and Onebox, a computer fax service and an
enhanced voicemail service.

Toll Free Connect Inc: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Toll Free Express: TFE is an enhanced voicemail carrier providing toll free and
virtual office service under a couple names such as Toll Free Max. : They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Tone Networks: They're small and we don't have much information or background on

Total Call International Inc: If it's not working you can contact them direct to
inquire about it. Total Call is a Los Angeles based communications provider of
long distance, internet and VoIP service, prepaid phone cards and wireless.

Touch America: You could contact them if you wanted to inquire further about
this number. They are a local carrier based in Montana.

TransNational: TransNational is a smallish competitive phone company based in

Transaction Network: It may not be answered the way you expect since Transaction
Network is a specialized telecommunication service geared toward transactions.

Tricom USA: They are a Carribean company and if the number doesn't go through
it's probably because it's not available within the US or Canada.

U.S. South Com: If it's not working you can contact them to inuire about it. US
South is a facility based long distance carrier for commercial and residential
customers based in Atlanta.

UCN: UCN is a smallish competitive phone company and this isn't their main
resporg. It is probably old and may mean that if the number isn't working and
they don't see it, it may be buried in their system.

US Lec: If it's not working though and you want to inquire further you would
need to contact them directly. US LEC is a facilities based Local Exchange
Carrier (LEC) covering 16 states from NY down to FL out to LA and up to IN.

US Phonecom: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Ultrachat: UTEL Networks is a privately owned Washington state based, audiotext
service that provides a variety of chat or talk line products and services.

Uni-Tel: If the toll free number isn't working you can contact them directly to
in inquire about it. Uni-tel, based in Naperville, IL, is a competitive reseller
of long distance for Qwest and Global Crossing.

Unilink Telcom: They're small and we don't have much information or background
on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Union Telephone: If it's not working you can contact them directly. UT is a
local, long distance and celluar company serving Wyoming, Northwestern Colorado,
and parts of Utah.

Unipoint Services: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you can call them to inquire about it.

V3 Global: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Vanity Intl.: Loren Stocker

VarTec: If it's not working you can contact them to ask about it. Vartec is a
Texas based local, long distance and internet company.

VeriSign: If the # isn't working you can contact them directly to check on it.
Verisign is a large internet and ecommerce company processing billions of
transactions daily.

Verizon: They were one of the regional companies so if you're not able to get
through on the number it may be because they still have only regional service.
You would probably have to call Verizon to find out any more.

Verizon: You can call them to inquire more if it's not working.

Videotron: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

VoCall: If you can't get through on the number you can contact them directly.
Vocall is an international phone company specializing in low international rates
to Africa, Europe and Asia.

Voice Power: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Voicecom: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but they are a voicemail oriented service. You would need to contact them to
inquire about it.

Voxeo: If it's not working you can contact them to inquire further. Voxeo is a
VoIP and IVR application developer based in Orlando.

WCI: If it's not working you can contact them for more information. WCI is a
privately held Seattle based

WEPS: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them but
you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

WW Telegraph: They are a vanity number business that goes and gets good numbers
to market to their customers. They prefer to rent numbers in shared use though
so they can keep the ultimate control over them and make a lot more money in the
long run.

Wake Up: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Warning: They're small and we don't have much information or background on them
but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

Wellington: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

WesTel: WesTel is a privately held Texas based phone company providing local,
long distance, internet access conference calling and travel cards.

Who's Calling:MCI Wholesale This # is already active for reseller of MCI. If
it's not working you can call MCI, but you'll probably have to find out who the
reseller is and ask them about it.

Wholesale Carrier Services, Inc: If it's not working you can contact them
directly. Based in Coral Springs, FL, WCS provides the switches and hardware for
other carriers and resellers.

WilTel: Wiltel was acquired by Level3 in October of 2005. So if a toll free
number on this resporg doesn't go through it's probably worth checking with
Wiltel/Level3 because it could be buried or stranded there now.

Winstar: Winstar is based in Herdon VA and specializes in government telecom

Word of Mouth: They're small and we don't have much information or background on
them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

World One Telecom: They're small and we don't have much information or
background on them but you would need to contact them to inquire about it.

XO: They're a large national phone company. They have a couple resporgs but this
is their main one.

XO: They're a large national phone company. This isn't their regular resporg
code so if it doesn't go through you should call because it could be stranded.

XTN: XTN is a small Tennessee based local phone company. If the toll free number
isn't working it may be limited to Tenn.

Xpedite: Based in Georgia, PGS provides specialized services including document
automation, alerts, notifications and reminders.

Xtel: You can contact Xtel to inquire about it if it's not working. Xtel is a NJ
based provider of voice, internet and call center services for Government
offices, Schools, Associations and Businesses.

Z-Tel: Trinsic, which was known as Z-Tel until January 2005, was the first
nationwide voip long distance service.

Zone Telecom: Zone is a NJ communications provider mostly for medium to large
businesses in the northeast.

Helpful Link: Keyword research tool

Here's a valuable tool that I'm testing. I'm using this to build the inteligence behind the new Keyword Lookup /Instant 800 Lookup system.

The Advanced Toll Free Search Results

We have simplified the login system for the Advanced Toll Free Number Lookup. You still get to the new secure lookup by either adding an S after the http to make it https (ie or just click on this url. When it prompts you for a password, you just enter any order ID from any order you've placed with us. Then when you use the Instant 800 Lookup it will give you the phone company information.
This information is extremely important in tracking down toll free numbers. It shows you which phone companies to contact for more information as well as providing the phone number if it's available. I will provide additional information about that soon. I just have to make the webpage for it first.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Phones without buttons?

The Consumer Electronic Show is going on in Las Vegas right now. It's a great place for tech companies to show their versions of the future. This is a concept phone from Onyx (Photo Credit: Synaptics). And it made me wonder a little about vanity numbers, as you might imagine. I think in some ways this will actually help though.

Cell phones have very small buttons and many don't have the letters on the keys. This may be the answer, because this type of phone will always have a way to bring up a keypad and that keypad can take much more room than the tiny cell phone buttons on most phones today, and they'll certainly have the lettters there. So ultimately I think this is a very good thing. As phones get smarter they ultimately have to work and interact the user wants or needs them to. And since vanity numbers are in grained in the consumer and our society, no matter what happens technologically (and the dizzying range of possibilities at the CES show how uncertain that can be!) vanity numbers aren't going to go away, no matter what nay saying prognosticators say. That's just my humble opinion, but I do have a little bit of experience.

I actually think our technology is going to ultimately increase the use and acceptance of vanity numbers more and faster than technology is going to undermine it. That's just my opinion but I am putting my money and life into that, to make this possible for more and more people and small businesses everywhere.

Tell me what you think!...