Sunday, April 1, 2007

We’re here to help but also to empower YOU

If you email use asking if a number is available, we may answer you, but we’ll usually just refer you back to the lookup tools on our site. We're not doing that because we're lazy or trying to be short with you, but simply because once you realize how amazingly simple it is to use, you’ll be able to do dozens of queries in less time than it takes us to do one for you with the same tools you have available right over the web. We do this because we really do want to be helpful. We’re not trying to brush you off, we’re really just trying to help you not only get the answer to that question but your next questions too.

We also have to work efficiently, often long hours, just to keep up with the volume of inquiries we get. We are here to help you, but it’s really not helping anyone to make you dependent on us. We’ve made the very best tools available to you right over the net, to empower you. That’s what the web is supposed to be about, putting the power at your finger tips 24 hours a day. So try the tools yourself. If you have a question about what something means or need something you can’t find on the web, we’ll be happy to answer you. That’s because unlike other web services, there are real people here that know this business, available to help you. But please respect our time enough not to ask us to do something you can do quicker and easier yourself.

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